Chapter One
AKA The Beginning
Here we go.. this feels like opening a crisp back and smelling the spine of it. Is that weird? Well, let me introduce myself a little bit without giving a way too much and telling you everything at the same time. For the purposes of this blog and well privacy i’m Lat. No i’m not a scammer or some strange dog person person stuck in the basement. Let me give you a little background, it’s 2014 and I’m going crazy on the internet after being told I’m an epileptic. What does that mean? I’m only 19? Those thoughts were booming loud in my head. I found one video on YouTube of one woman that lives in the UK who had the most similar thing I could relate to. Not same but similar, it was bizarre because I had to all of a sudden start taking a lot of medication. Then deal with the side effects, go to work, have a relationship and drive my car? No wait not drive my car. Not leave my house not socialize, but continue to socialize because I couldn’t stop my life. I cried many days over because I didn’t know what to do. I’ve had every side effect under the sun, from losing my hair to losing weight gaining weight to having rashes, fits of rage and suicidal thoughts. The medications we get are strong so strong. I remember one day my neuro said to me I don’t know how you do this wait until its bad to say something. She mentioned how much she respected her epileptic patients because they went through a lot before calling or going in. I think it’s because we have a hope that the meds will work. That it’ll get better or under control. It does for some time but well what can we do but hope.
For me it took some time but after many years and MANY different medications I think I’ve found something that may be working. I do have a list of things that I have to deal with now but I’m more aware of them. I now am more aware of an issue I’ve thrown a throw mat over and pretended wasn’t there with the exception of the occasional spiral. No its not drugs.. for those wondering.
I started this blog because its nice to hear, read or see other peoples stories and think wow I can relate to that as well as I’m going to be talking about other things as well I like. Things I’ve tried or haven’t but will and posting reviews to them. I’ll be talking about things I’m interested in and my opinions on them as well as a podcast. I’ve always been a pretty outspoken person but I would categorize myself as an outspoken shy person because I get nervous pretty quickly. I probably won’t post anything on YouTube because that is scary for me but who knows maybe we’ll get there in a couple years. I’m excited to show you my world, my mind and for us to share together because sh*t is crazy.