Chapter three
Here we go again.
Where was I? trying to figure out life and the world of health and honestly enjoying beautiful things.
I started a health journey in which I went plant based and had chicken occasionally. However, after much research and reading until my eyes were about to fall out of its socket. I came across eating more whole foods aka animal based. Initially I thought NO but then I realized we live in such an ultra-processed society. When and how did we get here? Where we worry more about the convenience of things over if something is healthy.
It started with a podcaset with George Janko and Paul Salidino and another from Casey Means. It just made sense, why put harmful substances and artificial dyes into my body? There is no real answer for this except ignorance on my part. I already was a label reader and become even more of a label reader because I was awake. My eyes are opened, I see how harmful seed oils are, causing inflammation, making people sick. I realized so much chronic disease is rooted in the garbage we are putting into our bodies.
So I changed my diet and followed it as a lifestyle. I eat more intuitively and don’t starve myself. I eat when I’m hungry which typically is about three times a day including what I like to call my sweet treat (fruits and honey).
What is animal based? It’s eating more whole foods, organic across the board. From the eggs being pasture raised and if you’re lucky from a local farm to grass fed grass finished meat. Eating fruits that are organic and have minimal to no pesticides. Incorporating raw milk (this is still a work in progress, but the taste is very good) and raw cheese which is amazing. Consuming local raw unfiltered honey. I changed my water system in my home, I no longer drink from a Britta or the fridge. Instead, I invested in a reverse osmosis machine that sits countertop. The best thing about this is that there’s no system that I need to install rather it’s mobile. As I’m writing this out I’ve been sipping on bone broth, reflecting on my journey I feel so much better. I struggled with epilepsy since for close to a year. I no longer take medication and I’ve been fine. I no longer fear having a seizure, could it happen? Yes, am I worried about it? No. I want to emphasize that I’M NOT A DOCTOR. You should consult your physician for any lifestyle changes that may affect your health including stopping or starting medication.
In conclusion I’ll be documenting my journey on living a cleaner non-toxic life. I’m excited and read to see what comes. I’ll share some households I’ve swapped that have helped with my hormonal health.
See you soon.